3 x Brain Fuel
10 Reasons why you should buy Ultima Brain Fuel TODAY!
- Do you have trouble remembering things?
- Are you feeling stressed and run down?
- Are you a student or a business executive?
- Are you a busy mom juggling work, family and a husband?
- Slow down effect of ageing on your brain
- Improve your memory
- Energize your mind
- Maximise your brain power
- Sharpen your mental clarity
- Be a happier YOU!
Ultima Super Smart consists of 3 x Ultima Brain Fuel Packs complete with a 20% discount!

Ultima Brain Fuel Super Smart Family
What does Ultima Brain Fuel do?
- Helps energize the mind and prevents brain fatigue.
- Assists in improving memory and concentration.
- Promotes healthy blood flow to the brain and extremities.
- Helps improve mental focus and alertness and combats stress.
Who should be taking this?:
STUDENTS (+16yrs):
Many students are looking to improve their results, which means improving their concentration and even their capacity to learn. While seeking out the holy grail of study aids, students may be tempted to hit the caffeine train, which inevitably comes with a nasty drop. Brain Fuel is caffeine free and energizes the mind without the volatile spikes and drops.
The lifestyle of many South Africans is stressful and involve working long hours. In addition to daily demands, the average person spends 50 minutes a day commuting. According to findings published by the New Scientist reduced mental performance is not just about age, it is creeping up on people from their mid-twenties. The vital ingredients in Brain Fuel help combat stress and improve focus, memory and alertness. They are designed to help you face your daily demands with an energized mind and improved mental performance.
May struggle to focus or suffer from forgetfulness, especially if they are not sleeping well. Brain Fuel is long-lasting and non-habit forming. It will help you maintain your focus and alertness through your night.
What does Ultima Brain Fuel Contain?
Ultima Brain Fuel contains no caffeine or banned substances and is not habit forming.
- Rhodiola Rosea
- Ginkgo Biloba
- Essential B-Vitamin Complex (B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B12)
- Phosphatidylcholine and Phosphatidylserine
- L-Tyrosine
- Choline
- Folic Acid
- L-Arginine Pyroglutamate
Whether you are 16 or 65, Ultima Brain Fuel is Food for Thought!
Product Facts:
- Container Size: 80 capsules
- Recommended Serving: 2 – 4 capsules daily
3 – 6 weeks supply
- Allergens: Soya and lecithin
For the Patient Information Leaflet with all Possible precautions clicks here