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Adaptogens, Anxiety, blog, Healthy living, Immunity, Nutrition, Stress -

As we live in a social media world where we don't and aren't truly able to "disconnect," studies have found a strong link between heavy social media and an increased risk of depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm and suicidal thoughts.  Yet this is not all we deal with daily, beyond these factors, most of us are dealing with the demands of school, work, family, or a combination of everything. To combat the stresses of these factors, and cope with the anxiety and fatigue that can sometimes come with this lifestyle, many people use adaptogens to effectively manage their health and well-being. So let's...

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ahtlete, Athelte Nutrition, athlete, bedtime, blog, Competitive, Healthy living, Nutrition, Performance, Recovery, sleep, sleep deprevation, Supplements, swim, swimmer, Swimming, teen athletes, tricks -

Most swimmers know that nutrition and training are important components of athletic training programs. But what about the importance of sleep for swimmers? This often-overlooked element of your day can enhance or sabotage your athletic performance, so it’s worth taking a look at what your current sleep regimen is like and possibly make some improvements. Read on to find out more about the importance of sleep and having a good routine for swimmers.    Why is sleep important? Sleep is important for all of us. When we don’t get it, it impairs cognitive performance, disturbs glucose metabolism, and appetite regulation....

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