Create Habits Rather than Resolutions

Create Habits Rather than Resolutions

Each year we go about making long lists of resolutions to help us reach goals and milestones in our lives for the new year.

Surveys suggest that 8 out of 10 resolutions fail after 1 month, however this does not stop us from making our lists and putting ourselves under pressure each beginning of a new year.

The word resolution is defined as : A firm decision to do or not to do something based on hopes and dreams.


But what if this year, we replace hopes and dreams with realistic and actionable habits.

Instead of making long lists that are difficult to follow and stick to, why not rather adopt a new approach and create new habits and rituals.

The most successful people in the world create habits that are realistic and which lead to a higher rate of success and achievement.

  • Oprah Winfrey eats plenty of vegetables.
  • Einstein took daily walks.
  • Elon Musk hits the gym twice a week. When asked “What daily habit do you believe has the largest positive impact on your life?”  Musk simply replied, “Showering.”
  • Bill Gates ensures he gets plenty of sleep while Jeff Bezos wakes at 5am every day.
Habits create success. The  more habitual tasks you can do automatically, the more you can achieve.  You don't have to think about charging your phone, or lacing the same shoe first each time, or changing into comfy clothes after work - these are done without lists or thought and happen automatically. 

Create habits that become automatic and effortless.

Once your follow your new habits and these become easy and automatic, you can start to add more.

We all have enough pressure and stress in our lives so be kind on yourself.  Start slow and be steady.  No one climbs the highest mountain first. 

Start small and build momentum and eventually you will reach your goal and succeed. 

Share your new habits with us so that we can all be encouraged to try.

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