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Adaptogens, Anxiety, Athelte Nutrition, bedtime, Competitive, Exercise, healthy, Healthy Body, Healthy living, immune health, Lifestyle, Nutrition, nutritional, Recovery, Stress, Supplements, swim, swimmer, Swimmers, Swimming, teen athletes, Tips -

Swimmers deal with a lot more than just doing practice laps and trying to get the best time in the pool. There's the stress of daily work and school schedules, the physical pressures of strenuous strength training, and the usual family demands. Our Ultima and P2Life Adaptogens are specifically formulated to help the active athlete meets these requirements without feeling physically depleted. Here are 5 things to know about Adaptogens and how they can help you succeed!   1. Fight Stress There are many detrimental effects of stress such as a loss of energy, unwanted weight gain, or lack of sleep....

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breakfast, Exercise, fruit, healthy, Healthy living, healthy treats, hydration, ice cream, Meal Planning, Meals, Minerals, Nutrition, Smoothies, Supplements, Vitamins -

Meal prepping and planning is an efficient and effective way to help you save money, time and be healthier.

Planning your meals is also a great way for you to reduce food waste while helping the environment.  When you aren't at home or don't have time to cook plan to have a healthy and delicious meal replacement shake.

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Diet, Exercise, healthy, Healthy living, Lifestyle, on-the-go, Performance, Water, Work Out -

Daily exercise, such as an hour of walking after work could cancel out the negative effect of sitting at a desk all day, research suggests. Scientists analysed data on a million men and women and found that sitting for more than eight hours per day without taking exercise increased the risk of dying prematurely by 60%. In particular, the risks of heart disease and cancer were found to increase with an inactive lifestyle. However, they also found that this increased risk was eliminated when workers took one hour’s moderate activity a day, such as a brisk walk or cycle.   The...

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