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A Proven Guide to Maximizing Performance through Nutrition
Welcome to the "P2Life and Ultima Maximum Performance Series",The Key To Gold Medal Results! For over 4 decades we’ve seen a lot, we’ve learned a lot and now we want to pass on that knowledge. We’ve seen up-and-coming teens become Olympic Champions. We’ve witnessed Master Athletes go on to break over 800 World records. We’ve had countless conversations with athletes, parents, coaches, and nutritional experts. We’ve noticed through all these conversations that there still seems to be a common theme of “eating correctly is hard". It is hard, but it doesn’t have to be. Over the course of the next...
Where Does Vitamin B12 Come From?
Staying on top of your nutrition plan is important, like making sure you're getting enough of the key vitamins and minerals to fuel your swim workouts and subsequent recovery. Vitamin B12, magnesium, and iron, and just a few of the nutrients that are important for swimmers, and are also found in all our Ultima shakes. Vitamin B12 is important for swimmers and athletes because it helps with important biological processes like protein synthesis, muscle tissue repair, and the production of healthy blood cells. So let's find out more about where this vitamin comes from and how it works with other nutrients in your...
Stay Healthy This Winter
When it comes to winter and staying healthy we need to look at new solutions to support a healthy lifestyle and keep our immune systems strong so you can stay healthy. By adopting some of our self-care ideas this winter, you can keep your body healthy.
5 Reasons to start meal planning today!
Meal prepping and planning is an efficient and effective way to help you save money, time and be healthier.

Planning your meals is also a great way for you to reduce food waste while helping the environment. When you aren't at home or don't have time to cook plan to have a healthy and delicious meal replacement shake.
How To Read a Nutrition Label
All of us have taken a look at the back of our food and seen that bold, nutritional facts labels starting back at us. It's enough to confuse anyone that's not a registered dietitian. With ingredients too hard to pronounce, odd measurements, and recommended percentages, leaving you scratching your head thinking is this good for me or not? Reading a nutrition label doesn't have to leave you perplexed; use our guide to help you decipher through the valuable information that is telling you a bit more about the food you are using for your swimming performance plan. SERVING SIZE...
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