How to Achieve Maximum Health Through Nutrition - Part 3
You can only achieve maximum performance when you have maximum health - and you can only achieve maximum health when you provide your body with every nutrient it needs when it needs it.
Last week we covered Part 2 of 3 in the quest for maximum health. We discussed in depth the importance of timing your nutritional intake and how that will directly impact your health and athletic performance. If you missed it, read it here. This week we wrap up everything and provide a summary for each section.

We at P2Life and Ultima firmly believe that the human body is an incredible organism, just feed it correctly and you will be amazed how good you feel, how well you will perform, and how free of aches, pains, injuries, ailments, and diseases you will be.
Part 1: We dove into what nutrients you need, and what influences your ability to get them.
In summary:
- You need to give your body the well-known micro-nutrients (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and electrolytes), we well as the macro-nutrients (proteins, carbs and fats), and now the newer kid on the block - phytonutrients (a wide range of beneficial nutrients found in plants) on a daily basis.
- That every nutrient depends on the availability of other “complimentary” nutrients at the same time to provide the full benefits from each nutrient.
- There are numerous things that can negatively affect just how much nutritional value you receive from foods. The nutrients listed on the label of a food product are usually not the same amount of those nutrients you end up with.
- All proteins are NOT created equally, nor provide the same benefits. For lean sports, some protein forms (casein + whey) are much better than other protein forms (pea or just whey).
- You definitely need to consume both normal foods and supplements on a daily basis to make sure you get all the nutrients you need to both attain and retain your maximum health.
- Finally, it is not just your caloric needs, but also your nutritional needs that vary based on how active you are, your age, sex, weight, and if you are maturing physically. Accordingly, they are individual and will change daily depending on your lifestyle and exercise or training demands. Regardless of what they are, you must supply the amounts needed daily.
Part 2: We stated the importance of making sure you have all the nutrients you need when you need them.
In summary:
- If a nutrient is lacking at the time your body needs it, then not only do you lose its direct benefit, but it will also have a knock-on effect on other nutrients dependent on that nutrient. This means that you can also negatively impact the benefits other nutrients provide your body when not getting what you need when your body needs it.
There is a need for a 4th meal every day. One taken before bedtime. An easily absorbed and highly nutrient-dense milkshake works best. It needs to be low in calories and high in every nutrient. It is the most important meal of the day for three reasons.
- It's taken at bedtime because sleep is the only time where the body can fully focus on repairing and recovering, getting you ready for the next day. It's critical that this meal has every nutrient your body needs to maximize its benefits.
- It's the longest period between meals (usually 10 hours).
- Without it, you would have to rely on dinner to both replenish those nutrients used during the day's activities and to also meet the demands on your body during the evening and sleep. This is even more critical for athletes - Our P2life and Ultima shakes (below) solves this for you.
- That you also need to supplement because while many important phytonutrients* are found in everyday foods we consume, many are not. Hence in order to derive the benefit from phytonutrients, you must supplement.
General Recommendations
The ideal nutritional program is one that will allow you to maximize health and performance, while being
- You must try to at a minimum have 3 balanced meals a day. They should be as organic/natural as possible. There are many valuable nutrients in natural foods that supplements are possibly missing. Foods should always be your foundation, while supplements are just that, a supplement to your daily diet.
Supplements should be considered in 4 main cases.
- You should supplement in cases where your lifestyle or schedule does not allow you to eat a normal nutritious meal.
- To enhance a normal meal that might not be as nutritious as needed.
- To provide the vital nutrients not found or available in the foods you consume.
- In cases where weight loss is needed, without losing strength or nutrients. It's a calorie game and it's effective to supplement/replace a meal with a high nutrient, low-calorie meal/shake if weight loss is the goal.
- All normal meals should contain the freshest possible fruits and vegetables, with effective cooking methods (ones that don't lose/destroy nutritional value), to preserve the greatest possible nutrient delivery to your body.
- Supplements need to be researched very well. There are HUGE differences in both quality and quantity in products that seem the same. This is especially the case for protein/milkshakes. Stay away from any that do not have a full complement of micro and macro-nutrients and that provide under the 30% Daily Value range.
- Make sure your supplements are third-party BATCH tested. Testing a product once is not an effective way to avoid tainted supplements (companies may change suppliers from time to time but they probably don't retest the formula!). Each batch of the brand needs to be tested so you know what you consume has been given the clear.
- This is important - Check the PROTEIN SOURCE. A pea protein supplement (without added amino acids), that provides 20g of protein is NOT the same as a supplement that provides 20g of a variety of complete proteins. It is incomplete without added proteins or amino acids. The best mix for humans currently is whey, casein, and soy together) or adding additional proteins to your pea supplement powder.
- Lastly, pick a supplement that fits your goals. If you are trying to be a massive football player then picking the "Mass builder" protein shake can work. If you are however trying to stay lean and mean, it's not a good fit. Stick to something with some whey, casein and soy. We designed the NutriBoost (below) with lean athletes in mind. Not for mass gainers.
The Perfect Bedtime Shake!
Loaded with all the nutrients you body needs to repair and recover for the next day, in dosages that actually make a difference, while lower in calories. It's also the tastiest shake on the market, so you know you'll enjoy every sip!
*Phytonutrients are natural compounds found in plant foods such as vegetables, fruit, whole grain products and legumes. These plant compounds have beneficial effects working with other essential nutrients to promote good health.