Remember when the first week of lockdown felt like a holiday period? Then things started to get a bit stressful - we spent time indoors missing our gym routines, working from home at odd hours, and some of us were homeschooling for a while. Developing a new structure amidst the unknown can be stressful to some, so it may come as a relief that most restrictions are being lifted. We are able to get back into the office, kids go back to school, students are back at university, and you can work out again, but is your body ready for this?
Here are a few things to remember you when getting back into the swing of things:
Boost your Immune System
Have you ever wondered why some parents let their toddlers eat sand or lick random surfaces? This builds the immune system’s tolerance so that when more serious viruses hit, the body is able to manage them. Being indoors for long periods can be counterintuitive to your immune system, as much as you may be avoiding illnesses. That, together with limited to no exercise, reduces your body’s ability to heal. Immune support protects against illnesses and ailments, such as colds and flu, inflammation and even eczema.
Increase your Mental Sharpness
Working from home according to your hours is how you have been juggling the many roles you play. Heading back to the office and sitting in face-to-face meetings means being mentally alert and focused to ensure your performance. Ultima Brain Fuel is a caffeine-free alternative to preventing fatigue while improving concentration and memory, whether you’re a young graduate, business professional or are looking to manage your stress levels.
Focus on your Physical Energy
Physical exercise is key to achieving a mind-body connection through the release of endorphins. Going back to the gym, admittedly, isn’t going to be as easy as where you left off, so ease into progressive workouts. Taking rest days between workout sessions, increasing your recovery food intake and supplementing with sports nutrition products that reduce recovery time will help you get back into your rhythm while minimizing injury.
Maintain a Balanced Lifestyle
How often have you tried to achieve work-life balance? Some people may see their work as their life, therefore deeming it unnecessary to step away from the computer at the end of the day. A balanced lifestyle helps reduce the chances of burnout and keeps both your mental and physical health in check. The three fundamentals for this are eating well, resting often and exercising. Taking a good complete multi vitamin can definitely assist with this too.
Ultima Nutrition has been supplying supplements to South African families since 1983. Shop our range of products online to prepare yourself for the new 'normal'.