Take Charge of your Health Today !
Tips to kick start you taking charge of your health today …..
What are South African Men doing to take charge of their health?
Let’s be honest, I know that when it comes to health care, men are like ostriches.
They often bury their heads in the sand in the hope that problems go away by themselves.
However it’s important that men of all ages become more proactive about their health; for their benefit as well as their families and loved ones.
Whether you have taken on the challenge to grow a moustache or not, here are some suggestions that can help you kick start your goals to a healthier lifestyle
- Choose to eat fibre rich fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Say no to or limit highly processed, sugar rich and white flour foods. These drive your blood sugar levels up and can lead to weight gain and eventually diabetes. They contain no nutritional benefit whatsoever.
- Stay away from deep fried foods made with dangerous Trans Fats. These trans fats raise the risk of heart disease.
- Take a good multivitamin and mineral supplement. This will help to ensure that if there are any mineral or nutrient deficiencies in the food you eat, it is taken care of.
- Include some form of exercise in your daily routine. Try walking the dogs after work or taking a brisk walk during lunch times. You’ll look better, feel better and help to reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and other major killers. I know this is easier said than done, but you got to try.
- For those that drink alcohol, please consume less alcohol. Moderation is the key.
- Eat more tomatoes, especially cooked tomatoes. These are an excellent source of lycopene which has shown to possibly reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Try adding soy to your diet – this contains isoflavones with specific anti- cancer activity.
- Reduce your stress levels. Make a point to connect with family and friends to unwind and chill.
- Maintain your sexual function. Most problems in this area stem from a physical cause of limited blood flow, to you know where.
- To improve overall circulation follow the tips above, stop smoking and see if there is improvement. If not try to incorporate a supplement containing Gingko Biloba, Panax Ginseng, Oats or Maca.
- Get enough sleep – Early to bed and early to rise makes us happy healthy and wise.
Ultima Nutrition have put a bundle of products together specially focussed on men’s health that will help you to take charge of your health today – no effort, no fuss!
Ultima 1: A Nutritional Protein and Energy Shake – with all the vitamins and minerals needed, tastes great and is super value for money at less than R10 a serving.
Ultima Brain Fuel: A revolutionary 4-in-1 product to maximise your brain power, improve focus and concentration and combat stress.
Ultima Energy: A totally unique blend of nature’s most potent, natural energising nutrients – Spirulina, Ginseng and Mega Vitamin B complex vitamins.
Ultima Omega 3: Supports brain, eyes, skin, joint and heart health.
Take charge of your health now. The rewards of optimal health and well-being will be well worth your efforts.Get stronger from the inside out.