The Dangers of Stress
Brent Murphy – B.Pharm (Rhodes), MPS
Why is stress so dangerous?
- Stress is a killer! It stimulates the formation of adrenaline and a heart toxin called C-reactive protein. These damage the heart, cause arrhythmias, high blood pressure and increase the risk of heart attack by up to 600%!
- Stress also elevates levels of the ageing hormone, cortisol, which suppresses immune function and causes memory loss.
- Chronic stress can cause insulin resistance and increases the risk of diabetes.
- Stress affects the brain too: it upsets the balance of brain neurotransmitters (brain hormones), resulting in depression, anxiety and insomnia.
- Stress also suppresses thyroid function, causing hypothyroidism and fatigue.
Adaptogens – how they help:
Adaptogens are herbal extracts that prevent excessive cortisol and adrenaline production, when exposed to long term stress. They protect the brain and heart from the dangerous physical damage and consequences that stress causes, such as raised blood pressure and heart attack. Adaptogens also prevent the symptoms of excessive stress exposure, such as memory loss, fatigue, insomnia and feeling overwhelmed.
Ultima Adaptogens formula contains standardised adaptogen herbal extracts, including Rhodiola rosea, proven to protect the heart and brain from the dangers of stress.
Who should use Ultima’s Adaptogens?
Anybody who is exposed to continuous daily stress should be using Adaptogens on a regular and continuous basis, including busy executives, teachers, students and housewives/mothers.
In fact, it is more important to take Adaptogens than a multivitamin/mineral supplement! This is because our diet at least supplies some vitamins and minerals; where as diet supplies no adaptogens.
Adaptogens are safe for children, students and the elderly, but they have not been tested in pregnancy and so should be avoided.