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Searching for the perfect power-to-weight ratio is critical for a sustainable and healthy approach to your training, lifestyle and racing.  Many athletes try to maintain as low a weight as possible while still being as powerful as they can be.  While the power-to-weight ratio is often on the top of there minds, health and resiliency should ultimately be their key goals, hitting and keeping the sweet spot can be difficult.  If an athlete takes weight loss too far, then they will see a decrease in their overall power, along with more serious health issues.

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There are many reasons to love the sport of swimming. It offers great physical training, an opportunity to make lifelong connections with coaches and teammates, and the chance to do something positive for your health. And what's even better about swimming is that everyone can participate and today there are many programs, scholarships, and swim clubs that help both male and female athletes. But being a female athlete brings with it some challenges, one of which is the female athlete triad. We'll discuss what it is and how it can affect your swim training.   What is the Female Athlete...

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Training for a swimming competition takes months of planning practice and physical endurance. At times, it can be stressful. Throughout this intense period, swimmers need to also meet the demands of work, school, relationships, and daily life that can be an additional stress. We all handle stress in different ways, but more effective than others, but one thing is for certain - dealing with stress in a natural and proactive way will help improve your swim performance. Adaptogenic herbs are one way to manage the physical and mental stress on your body throughout swim season. Let's learn how they can make you a better...

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There's lots of information out there on how to eat right when you're training, what foods to include, how much water to drink, and what's the right carb-protein ratio. One of the nutrition trends that athletes sometimes consider is carb-loading. Depending on your situation and your sport, it may be helpful, but let's discuss if it should be a part of a nutrition plan for swimmers.   What is Carb-loading? If you've read any sports nutrition articles or keep up with the latest fitness trends, then you've probably seen the term "carb-loading." Quite simply, carb-loading is a nutrition technique used by athletes to...

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If you’re not treating recovery as an important part of your training, it’s not too late to start. Recovery can be the difference between securing a place on the winners’ podium or a seat in the stands nursing an injury. In a nutshell, when you train you’re putting resistance on your muscles, which can cause microscopic tears in the muscle tissue, especially if you’re training harder than you have in a while, or ever. The body rushes to heal these micro-tears by sending satellite cells to the area to heal the tissue and form new muscle protein strands. These cells...

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