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If you’re not treating recovery as an important part of your training, it’s not too late to start. Recovery can be the difference between securing a place on the winners’ podium or a seat in the stands nursing an injury. In a nutshell, when you train you’re putting resistance on your muscles, which can cause microscopic tears in the muscle tissue, especially if you’re training harder than you have in a while, or ever. The body rushes to heal these micro-tears by sending satellite cells to the area to heal the tissue and form new muscle protein strands. These cells...

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What is SAD Syndrome? SAD Syndrome - affects most of us in the colder months.  Mainly during our winter seasons when there is less sun, the days are shorter and the nights longer.  Because of the lack of sun one could suffer from depression and similar symptoms.  Studies done by SADAG (South African Depression and Anxiety Group) show that 74% of South Africans suffer from loss of productivity and concentration due to depression.  How Does It Affect You? This condition can be crippling for those that suffer from it as it affects certain neurotransmitters, like those of serotonin and melatonin....

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There's a lot of information out there about proteins and which are the best source of protein for swimmers. Here we break down the basics of two important proteins for swimmers and some considerations as you integrate whey and casein into your nutritional training program.   Whey and casein are both excellent sources of essential Amino acids (building blocks for proteins that cannot be produced by the body). They also score a 1.0 in the highest Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score, a measure of protein quality based on Amino acid utilization after it is being digested. These biggest difference...

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Well, let's first talk about what happens when you're swimming and training to understand why protein is an important nutritional building block. When you engage in moderate to intense exercise, your muscles go into overdrive and begin converting nutrients into the energy required by working muscles. But your muscles only have a fixed amount of energy stored in the form of glycogen (a substance deposited in bodily tissues as a store of carbohydrates. It is a polysaccharide that forms glucose on hydrolysis.) As your muscle glycogen is depleted, you begin to feel fatigued and there's a simultaneous increase in the level...

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Competitive, Diet, Iron, Nutrition, Performance, Supplements, swim, Swimming -

When it comes to nutrition for competitive swimmers, we often hear about protein and carbs. But what about all of the other nutrients that swimmers need to compete as a top athlete? One of those key nutrients is iron, and in today's world, the focus on iron is what can help you with your overall performance.   Irons role in the Body! Iron is an essential mineral found in every cell of the body, but our bodies don't naturally produce it on their own, we, therefore, need to get it from external sources. A key function is to aid the red blood cells...

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