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3D Secure Payments – is a new method of security mandated by the Card Associations to enhance the security of online transactions. Mastercard’s product is called “SecureCode” and Visa’s product is called “Verified by Visa”. Please note that Ultima does not keep a copy of your card details and all transactions are encrypted, so no-one can “read” your financial details online. The 3D-Secure refers to three domains involved in the security they are: The Acquiring or Merchant’s bank. The Card Association’s financial networks ie Mastercard and Visa. The Issuing or Cardholder’s bank. Very simply the system authenticates the cardholder before...

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1. CHANGE YOUR OUTLOOK ON HEALTH: Instead of looking at it as all-or-nothing, look at health like balancing an old fashioned scale. All the decisions you make move you closer to one end (good health) or the other end (poor health). For instance, drinking a ‘fizzy cold-drink’ moves you in the wrong direction, while drinking a glass of water moves you in the other. By making small, good choices, you gradually move closer to good health. Why not replace 1 meal a day with an ULTIMA 1 Shake, available in Chocolate, Vanilla or Strawberry? 2. WHOLESOME FOOD: Make a habit...

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Stress is a killer for the average South African executive. On top of the normal everyday hassles of being the head of a household and all the responsibility that goes with it, he/she has to contend with the pressures of working in a highly stressed work environment and live in a country that has its own problems. Generally, as an executive, you have to make decisions that are going to impact on people’s lives and your company financially on a daily basis. These decisions have to be well thought out, but more often than not, you have a make a...

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Supplements the nutrition of the food you eat. Contains one or more dietary ingredient (including vitamins; minerals; herbs or other botanicals; amino acids, and other substances). Comes in capsule, tablet, or liquid form. Is labelled as a dietary supplement. Nutrition supplements come in a variety of types. Vitamin and mineral supplements are types of dietary supplements containing micronutrients meant to help a body function smoothly and improve mental health. Herbal (or botanical) supplements are dietary supplements that have a medicinal purpose. Herbal supplements generally support a specific area of the body’s health, such as the liver, bones or skin. Herbal and...

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Diet, Exercise, healthy, Healthy living, Lifestyle, on-the-go, Performance, Water, Work Out -

Daily exercise, such as an hour of walking after work could cancel out the negative effect of sitting at a desk all day, research suggests. Scientists analysed data on a million men and women and found that sitting for more than eight hours per day without taking exercise increased the risk of dying prematurely by 60%. In particular, the risks of heart disease and cancer were found to increase with an inactive lifestyle. However, they also found that this increased risk was eliminated when workers took one hour’s moderate activity a day, such as a brisk walk or cycle.   The...

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